Wherever you’re headed, Link is the link


Bringing people closer through Sound Transit’s ever-expanding light rail. 

With Seattle’s place on the list of “cities with the worst traffic in the nation” permanently ensconced, robust light rail service continues to be more crucial to the region than ever before. And with expanded service, Sound Transit was looking for a new public transportation advertising campaign that could demonstrate the emotional end benefit of what light rail ultimately facilitates: bringing people closer together through safe, reliable transit.

The best way to do it? By creating a public awareness campaign showcasing the social connections and countless unique experiences that our great city has to offer. Because whether you’re a sports fan, gourmet taco fan, or big fan of spending the day belly flopping on the lake, Sound Transit’s newly expanded 1 Line has something for you.

We captured all the transit marketing fun in full intricate detail with animation partner Laundry, who helped us bring both the Seattle locations and our cast of characters to life in a “wait, I want to watch that commercial again!” kind of way.

Next stop: epic good times.

This highly visual campaign lent itself perfectly to the expansive ad canvas offered by bulletins, out-of-home units, and transit boards.

Sounds like fun ahead.

Station to Station

Illustrated icon of a megaphone, representing excitement or news
Illustrated icon of a megaphone, representing excitement or news

Messaging both direct and efficient. Just like a 1 Line ride. 

 Our paid social utilized the animation from the video pieces to create energetic, mobile-friendly messaging.

Endless entertainment possibilities. Now that’s speaking our riders’ language.

In print, we leaned into the full fun potential of each location, plus reached diverse audiences in six community publications translated to Chinese, Japanese and Spanish.

 Ridership Results