CF and Symetra Showcase the Best of Humanity

Author: Copacino Fujikado

It's not every day you get to make a feel-good spot with voiceover-talent-slash-WNBA-champion; the best of 500+ user-generated clips; and a client who just wanted to bring a little light to these often dark days. 

But that's what we did with our clients at Symetra Life Insurance Company.

Even though we all continue to live in uncertainty right now, people have started looking toward the future with resilience and hope. They're taking steps to build a better, more inclusive future for themselves, their families, and their communities. We wanted to create a spot celebrating them, with the help of superstar athlete power couple Sue Bird and Megan Rapinoe, along with dozens of uplifting pieces of user-generated content. 

So, to those who are courageously building a better future, Symetra has your back.

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